
Studio 54 is constantly committed in the development of cutting edge technologies applied to the refrigeration industry. Established in 1994 thanks to the initiative and the intuition of two young people, the company still stands out, now as then, for some peculiar features. Studio 54’s reality is:


Entering new markets, a continuous research on innovative and high quality materials, opting for cutting-edge technology. Through these means Studio 54 aims to reach its one and ambitious purpose: the final customer satisfaction. An everyday task, a challenge full of incentives.

Our strengths

The attention to the customer’s needs. Studio 54 adds to the quality of his products a service philosophy that has become over the years a distinctive and valuable feature. The company help the customers in a quick and effective way: it evaluates the project, recommend the most suitable product and adapts it to the specific needs. A very accurate initial analysis makes possible to the customer to obtain the best result in shorter times, and to the company to optimize the resources. A high technical specialization, original solutions, clear and detail technical sheets complete Studio 54 successful profile.

Our Field

Studio 54 address its products both to the Mass Market Retailers, represented by HO.RE.CA. sector (Hotelerie, Restaurant, Catering), and to small resellers. The company offers everyone expertise, creativity, professionalism and an outstanding ability to meet specific needs.

Keyword: research

Research is Studio 54’s core. Innovative executive solutions and new refrigerating lines are the results of a continuous update, supported by the effective internal organization of a high qualified staff. The main investments are addressed to some specific areas:

  • Sole use of certified high quality materials.
  • Improvement of the manufacturing process. A safe working environment, daily commitment and distinct aesthetic sense enhance the work of Studio 54, well known Made in Italy example.
  • Easy and enjoyable user experience. The wide range of products – guaranteed and certified – stands out because of its reliability, high customization level and an easy use. This is possible due to the application of cutting-edge technologies.
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